Shimla Mirch Vegetable | 05 Culinary Wonder | Hidden Benefits – All About Capsicum

Discover the versatile Shimla Mirch vegetable, also known as bell pepper or capsicum. Explore its culinary uses, nutritional benefits, and vibrant colors.

When it comes to vibrant and delectable vegetables, Shimla Mirch vegetable, also known as the bell pepper or capsicum, takes center stage. Its vivid colors and versatility in the kitchen make it a favorite ingredient among chefs and home cooks alike.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various facets of Shimla Mirch vegetable, from their history and nutritional value to cooking tips and popular recipes.

Shimla Mirch Vegetable


Shimla Mirch Vegetable: A Brief Introduction

Shimla Mirch vegetable, known scientifically as Capsicum annuum, has an intriguing origin story. It traces its roots back to the sun-kissed lands of Mexico and Central America. However, this vibrant vegetable embarked on a journey that took it far from its place of origin.

  • During the colonial period, Shimla Mirch vegetable found itself in a land known for its majestic hills and serene landscapes – India.
  • It was in the picturesque region of Shimla, nestled amidst the Himalayan mountains, that this vegetable truly found its home.
  • It’s here that it earned the moniker “Shimla Mirch,” in honor of the place that embraced it.

But what truly sets Shimla Mirch vegetable apart is its stunning variety of colors. From the lush green to the fiery red, the cheerful yellow, and the vibrant orange, Shimla Mirch boasts a kaleidoscope of hues. And each color comes with its own unique flavor profile, making it an exciting and diverse addition to the world of culinary delights.

Bursting with Flavor and Versatility of Shimla Mirch Vegetable

One of the key attributes of Shimla Mirch vegetable is its burst of flavor and versatility. Whether you’re stir-frying it in a wok, roasting it in the oven, or grilling it on a barbecue, the bell pepper’s taste and texture evolve, making it an exciting ingredient to work with.

A. Taste of Shimla Mirch Vegetable

  • The range of flavors within the Shimla Mirch vegetable is truly perplexing.
  • From the mild, slightly bitter notes of green peppers to the sweet and fruity taste of the red and yellow varieties, there’s a Shimla Mirch for every palate.

B. Shimla Mirch Vegetable Recipes

  • The burstiness of Shimla Mirch vegetable comes alive in various recipes.
  • Its vibrant colors and crisp texture add a burst of freshness to salads, while its ability to absorb flavors makes it an excellent addition to stir-fries and casseroles.


Shimla Mirch Vegetable Nutrition

Shimla Mirch vegetable, also known as the bell pepper or capsicum, is not only visually appealing but also boasts a plethora of essential nutrients that can benefit your overall health. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its nutritional advantages:

I. Vitamin C Powerhouse:

  • Shimla Mirch is a treasure trove of vitamin C.
  • This essential nutrient is renowned for its immune-boosting properties, playing a pivotal role in fortifying your body’s defense mechanisms.
  • Additionally, vitamin C contributes to healthy and radiant skin, promoting a youthful complexion.

II. Low in Calories:

  • If you’re conscientious about your calorie intake, Shimla Mirch is a stellar choice.
  • This vegetable is remarkably low in calories, making it an excellent addition to your diet if you’re aiming for weight management or simply looking to maintain a balanced calorie count.

III. Fiber Content:

  • Shimla Mirch is not just about its delightful taste; it’s also a valuable source of dietary fiber.
  • This fiber content is instrumental in supporting a healthy digestive system.
  • It aids in digestion, promotes regular bowel movements, and imparts a sense of fullness, which can be beneficial for those striving to manage their appetite.

IV. Antioxidant Properties:

  • The bell pepper shines in its role as a source of antioxidants.
  • These antioxidants are critical in the fight against free radicals in your body.
  • Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and are linked to various chronic diseases and aging.
  • By providing a rich source of antioxidants, Shimla Mirch helps safeguard your body against oxidative stress and its potential harmful effects.

Incorporating Shimla Mirch vegetable into your diet not only adds a burst of flavor and color to your meals but also contributes to your overall well-being, thanks to its impressive array of nutritional benefits.


Shimla Mirch Vegetable Benefits

Bell peppers, commonly referred to as Shimla Mirch vegetable, offer a range of health benefits due to their rich nutritional profile. Here are some of the health benefits associated with consuming bell peppers:

I. Wound Healing:

  • Shimla Mirch vegetable are abundant in vitamins, particularly vitamin C and vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C is known for its immune-boosting properties, aiding in wound healing, and promoting healthy skin.
  • Vitamin A is essential for good vision and eye health.

II. Support Digestion:

  • Shimla Mirch vegetable provide a good amount of dietary fiber, which supports digestion, regular bowel movements, and a feeling of fullness.
  • Fiber also helps maintain a healthy digestive system.

III. Reducing the risk of Chronic Diseases and Stress:

  • Shimla Mirch vegetable are rich in antioxidants, including beta-carotene, which can help combat harmful free radicals in the body.
  • Antioxidants play a crucial role in protecting cells from oxidative stress and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

IV. Heart Health:

V. Eye Health:

  • The presence of vitamin A in Shimla Mirch vegetable is beneficial for maintaining good vision and supporting overall eye health.

VI. Weight Management:

  • Shimla Mirch vegetable low-calorie content and high fiber content make them a valuable addition to weight management plans.
  • They can help control appetite and contribute to a sense of fullness.

VII. Skin Health:

  • The vitamin C in Shimla Mirch vegetable is essential for collagen production, which is crucial for healthy and youthful-looking skin.

VIII. Immune Support:

  • The combination of vitamins and antioxidants in Shimla Mirch vegetable can boost the immune system, helping the body fend off infections and illnesses.

IX. Hydration:

  • Shimla Mirch vegetable have a high water content, contributing to overall hydration. Staying hydrated is essential for various bodily functions.

X. Nutrient Variety:

  • Different colored Shimla Mirch vegetable (green, red, yellow, and orange) offer slightly different nutrient profiles, so consuming a variety of colors ensures you benefit from a range of nutrients.

Incorporating Shimla Mirch vegetable into your diet can be a flavorful and nutritious way to support your overall health. Whether you enjoy them in salads, stir-fries, soups, or as a crunchy snack, Shimla Mirch vegetable offer numerous health advantages and can be a valuable addition to a balanced diet.


Bell Pepper vs Capsicum

In various parts of the world, bell peppers are referred to as “capsicum.” However, the term “capsicum” can sometimes be used to describe a broader category of peppers, including both sweet bell peppers and hot chili peppers. The distinction between “bell pepper” and “capsicum” is primarily regional and can vary based on local terminology and culinary traditions. Here’s a breakdown of these terms:

Bell Pepper:

  • In North America and some other English-speaking regions, the term “bell pepper” is commonly used to describe the sweet, mild, and colorful peppers that come in various shades, such as green, red, yellow, and orange.
  • These peppers have a crisp texture and are often used in salads, stir-fries, stuffing, and various dishes.
  • The name “bell pepper” is derived from their bell-like shape.


  • In many other parts of the world, including countries like India, Australia, and New Zealand, the term “capsicum” is used to refer to both sweet bell peppers and hot chili peppers.
  • This means that when people use the word “capsicum” in these regions, it can encompass a wider range of pepper varieties, including those used for their mild, sweet flavor (like bell peppers) and those used for their spiciness (like jalapeños, habaneros, and other chili peppers).

It’s important to note that while “bell pepper” specifically denotes the sweet, non-spicy variety in North America, “capsicum” can be used more broadly to encompass both sweet and hot peppers in other parts of the world. The choice of terminology often depends on regional preferences and culinary conventions.


Shimla Mirch Vegetable Recipe

Shimla Mirch vegetable is incredibly versatile in the kitchen. Its mild, slightly sweet taste pairs well with a variety of ingredients. Here are some popular ways to incorporate Shimla Mirch vegetable into your culinary creations:

1. Bharwa Shimla Mirch / Stuffed Shimla Mirch

Bharwa Shimla Mirch Stuffed Shimla Mirch

Stuffed Shimla Mirch or Bharwa Shimla Mirch, also known as stuffed bell peppers or capsicums, is a classic and delightful dish that’s both visually appealing and bursting with flavor. Here’s how to create this mouthwatering recipe:


  • Large, firm Shimla Mirch (bell peppers)
  • Minced meat (such as beef, chicken, or lamb)
  • Rice
  • Fresh herbs (like parsley, cilantro, or basil)
  • Spices (common choices include cumin, paprika, and black pepper)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Tomato sauce (optional)


I. Choose the Right Peppers:
  • Start by selecting large, firm Shimla Mirch peppers.
  • The size of the peppers should allow for easy stuffing.
II. Prep the Peppers:
  • Slice off the tops of the peppers and carefully remove the seeds and membranes from the inside.
  • This creates a hollow cavity within the peppers, perfect for stuffing.
III. Prepare the Filling:
  • In a mixing bowl, combine minced meat, cooked rice, chopped fresh herbs (such as parsley or cilantro), a blend of spices to add flavor (common choices include cumin, paprika, and black pepper), and a drizzle of olive oil.
  • Season the mixture with salt and pepper according to your taste preferences.
IV. Stuff the Peppers:
  • Carefully stuff each Shimla Mirch with the flavorful mixture.
  • Pack the filling inside, ensuring that the peppers are generously filled.
V. Baking Time:
  • Place the stuffed Shimla Mirch in a baking dish.
  • If desired, pour a tomato sauce over the top for an extra burst of flavor.
  • Cover the dish with aluminum foil to trap steam and moisture, preventing the peppers from drying out during baking.
VI. Bake Until Tender:
  • Preheat your oven and bake the stuffed Shimla Mirch at a moderate temperature until the peppers become tender, and the filling is thoroughly cooked.
  • This typically takes around 30-40 minutes, but the exact time may vary depending on your oven and the size of the peppers.
VII. Serve and Enjoy:
  • Once cooked, remove the stuffed Shimla Mirch from the oven.
  • Serve them hot, garnished with additional fresh herbs if desired.
  • The combination of the soft, roasted pepper and the flavorful filling creates a satisfying and savory dish.

Bharwa Shimla Mirch or Stuffed Shimla Mirch is a timeless favorite that combines the mild sweetness of the bell peppers with the savory goodness of the filling. It’s a hearty and comforting meal that can be customized with various ingredients to suit your taste preferences.


2. Shimla Mirch Curry: A Taste of India

Shimla Mirch Curry

Shimla Mirch Curry is a flavorful and aromatic Indian dish that showcases the unique taste of bell peppers, or Shimla Mirch. It’s a delightful vegetarian option that combines the natural sweetness of the peppers with a blend of spices and tomato sauce. Here’s how to prepare this delectable curry:


  • Shimla Mirch (bell peppers), diced into bite-sized pieces
  • Onions, finely chopped
  • Garlic cloves, minced
  • Fresh ginger, grated
  • Vegetable oil or ghee (clarified butter)
  • Aromatic spices (common choices include cumin seeds, mustard seeds, and fenugreek seeds)
  • Ground spices (such as turmeric, coriander powder, cumin powder, and red chili powder)
  • Tomato sauce or fresh tomatoes, chopped
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish (optional)
  • Cooked rice or bread (like naan or roti), for serving


I. Sauté Aromatics:
  • Begin by heating vegetable oil or ghee in a large pan or skillet over medium heat.
  • Add aromatic spices like cumin seeds, mustard seeds, and fenugreek seeds.
  • Allow them to sizzle and release their fragrance.
II. Onion, Garlic, and Ginger:
  • Add the finely chopped onions, minced garlic cloves, and grated fresh ginger to the pan.
  • Sauté these ingredients until the onions turn translucent and aromatic.
III. Spices:
  • Introduce a blend of ground spices to the pan. This typically includes turmeric, coriander powder, cumin powder, and red chili powder.
  • Adjust the quantity of chili powder according to your preferred level of spiciness.
  • Sauté the spices briefly to release their flavors, taking care not to burn them.
IV. Bell Peppers:
  • Add the diced Shimla Mirch (bell peppers) to the pan.
  • Stir well to coat the peppers with the aromatic mixture of spices and aromatics.
V. Tomato Sauce:
  • Pour in tomato sauce or add fresh chopped tomatoes to the pan.
  • The tomatoes will provide a rich, tangy base for the curry.
  • Stir everything together.
VI. Simmer:
  • Reduce the heat to low and let the Shimla Mirch curry simmer.
  • Allow the bell peppers to cook until they become tender and absorb the flavors of the spices and tomato sauce.
  • This typically takes around 15-20 minutes.
VII. Season and Garnish:
  • Season the curry with salt to taste.
  • If you prefer a more pronounced flavor, you can sprinkle in some fresh cilantro leaves for a burst of freshness and color.
VIII. Serving:

Shimla Mirch Curry is a delightful way to enjoy the vibrant flavors of Indian cuisine. It’s a versatile dish that can be tailored to your spice preferences, making it suitable for a wide range of taste buds.


3. Aloo Shimla Mirch: A Delicious Potato and Bell Pepper Dish

Aloo Shimla Mirch

Aloo Shimla Mirch is a delightful Indian dish that combines the earthiness of potatoes (aloo) with the vibrant flavors of bell peppers (Shimla Mirch). It’s a simple yet satisfying vegetarian dish that’s commonly enjoyed in Indian households. Here’s how to make it:


  • Potatoes (Aloo), peeled and diced into bite-sized pieces
  • Bell Peppers (Shimla Mirch), diced into similar-sized pieces
  • Vegetable oil
  • Cumin seeds
  • Mustard seeds
  • Turmeric powder
  • Red chili powder (adjust to your preferred level of spiciness)
  • Coriander powder
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish (optional)


I. Prepare the Potatoes and Bell Peppers:
  • Start by peeling the potatoes and cutting them into bite-sized pieces.
  • Similarly, dice the bell peppers into pieces of roughly the same size.
II. Heat Oil and Add Seeds:
  • Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet or pan over medium heat.
  • Add cumin seeds and mustard seeds to the hot oil.
  • Allow them to sizzle and release their flavors.
III. Add Potatoes:
  • Once the seeds have crackled, add the diced potatoes to the pan.
  • Sauté them until they turn golden brown and slightly crispy on the outside.
  • This may take about 8-10 minutes. Stir occasionally to ensure even cooking.
IV. Introduce Spices:
  • Sprinkle turmeric powder, red chili powder, and coriander powder over the potatoes.
  • Adjust the quantity of red chili powder to your preferred level of spiciness.
  • Stir well to coat the potatoes with the aromatic spices.
V. Add Bell Peppers:
  • Incorporate the diced bell peppers into the pan with the potatoes.
  • Stir to combine.
VI. Cover and Cook:
  • Cover the pan and let the Aloo Shimla Mirch cook over low to medium heat.
  • Allow the vegetables to simmer until they become tender.
  • This should take approximately 10-15 minutes.
VII. Season with Salt:
  • Season the dish with salt to taste. Stir well to distribute the salt evenly.
VIII. Garnish and Serve:
  • If desired, garnish Aloo Shimla Mirch with fresh cilantro leaves for added freshness and color.
IX. Serving:
  • Aloo Shimla Mirch is typically served hot and pairs well with Indian bread such as naan or roti.
  • It’s a flavorful and comforting dish that combines the comforting taste of potatoes with the sweetness of bell peppers.

Aloo Shimla Mirch is a versatile and satisfying dish that can be enjoyed as a main course or as a side dish in an Indian meal. It’s loved for its simplicity and delightful combination of flavors and textures.


4. Shimla Mirch Salad: A Refreshing and Colorful Side Dish

Shimla Mirch Salad

Shimla Mirch Salad is a delightful and refreshing side dish that celebrates the vibrant flavors of bell peppers (Shimla Mirch). This colorful salad combines thinly sliced bell peppers with other fresh vegetables and a zesty vinaigrette dressing. It’s a healthy and visually appealing addition to any meal. Here’s how to create this flavorful salad:


  • Bell Peppers (Shimla Mirch), thinly sliced into strips or rings
  • Cucumber, thinly sliced
  • Tomatoes, diced
  • Onions, thinly sliced (red or white onions work well)
  • Fresh cilantro leaves, chopped (optional, for garnish)
  • Salt and black pepper to taste

For the Vinaigrette Dressing:

  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice or vinegar (such as red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar)
  • Dijon mustard (optional)
  • Honey or sugar (for a touch of sweetness)
  • Minced garlic (optional, for extra flavor)
  • Dried herbs (such as oregano, basil, or thyme)
  • Salt and black pepper to taste


I. Prepare the Vegetables:
  • Start by thinly slicing the bell peppers into strips or rings.
  • Thinly slice the cucumber, dice the tomatoes, and thinly slice the onions.
  • If you’re using fresh cilantro for garnish, chop it finely.
  • Place all the prepared vegetables in a large salad bowl.
II. Make the Vinaigrette Dressing:
  • In a separate bowl, prepare the vinaigrette dressing.
  • Combine extra-virgin olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice or vinegar (adjust to your taste), a touch of Dijon mustard (if desired), honey or sugar for a hint of sweetness, minced garlic for added flavor, dried herbs, and a pinch of salt and black pepper.
  • Whisk the ingredients together until they emulsify into a well-blended dressing.
III. Combine and Toss:
  • Pour the vinaigrette dressing over the sliced vegetables in the salad bowl.
  • Gently toss the vegetables to ensure they are evenly coated with the flavorful dressing.
  • Be gentle to avoid breaking the delicate bell pepper slices.
IV. Season to Taste:
  • Taste the salad and adjust the seasoning with additional salt and black pepper if needed.
  • You can also adjust the dressing by adding more lemon juice or vinegar for extra tanginess or honey for sweetness.
VI. Garnish:
  • If desired, sprinkle fresh chopped cilantro leaves over the salad as a garnish.
  • Cilantro adds a burst of freshness and color.
VII. Serving:
  • Shimla Mirch Salad is best served immediately for the crispiest texture and maximum freshness.
  • It can be served as a refreshing side dish to complement various meals, from grilled meats to vegetarian dishes.
  • It’s particularly popular during warm weather for its cooling and hydrating qualities.

Shimla Mirch Salad is not only visually appealing but also a flavorful and healthy addition to your culinary repertoire. Its combination of fresh vegetables and zesty dressing creates a delightful balance of tastes and textures.


5. Paneer Shimla Mirch Vegetable: A Delicious Bell Pepper and Paneer Dish

Paneer Shimla Mirch

Paneer Shimla Mirch is a flavorful Indian dish that combines the creamy richness of paneer (Indian cottage cheese) with the vibrant flavors of bell peppers (Shimla Mirch). It’s a vegetarian delight that’s loved for its blend of textures and tastes. Here’s how to make it:


  • Paneer (Indian cottage cheese), cubed
  • Bell Peppers (Shimla Mirch), assorted colors, diced
  • Onions, thinly sliced
  • Tomatoes, chopped
  • Ginger-garlic paste
  • Green chilies, finely chopped (adjust to your preferred level of spiciness)
  • Turmeric powder
  • Red chili powder (adjust to your preferred level of spiciness)
  • Garam masala powder
  • Cumin seeds
  • Vegetable oil or ghee (clarified butter)
  • Fresh cilantro leaves, chopped, for garnish (optional)
  • Salt to taste


I. Prepare the Paneer and Vegetables:
  • Start by cubing the paneer into bite-sized pieces.
  • Dice the assorted colored bell peppers (Shimla Mirch), thinly slice the onions, and chop the tomatoes. Keep these ingredients ready.
II. Sautéing:
  • Heat vegetable oil or ghee in a large pan or skillet over medium heat.
  • Add cumin seeds and allow them to sizzle.
III. Onions and Spices:
  • Add the thinly sliced onions to the pan.
  • Sauté them until they turn translucent and start to brown.
  • Then, add ginger-garlic paste and finely chopped green chilies.
  • Sauté for a couple of minutes until the raw smell disappears.
IV. Tomatoes and Spices:
  • Add the chopped tomatoes to the pan.
  • Stir well and cook until they soften and the oil starts to separate from the mixture.
  • Add turmeric powder, red chili powder, and garam masala powder.
  • Adjust the quantity of red chili powder to your preferred level of spiciness.
V. Bell Peppers and Paneer:
  • Incorporate the diced bell peppers and cubed paneer into the pan.
  • Gently stir to coat them with the flavorful mixture.
  • Be careful not to break the paneer pieces.
VI. Cover and Simmer:
  • Reduce the heat to low and cover the pan.
  • Allow the Paneer Shimla Mirch to simmer for about 10-15 minutes, or until the bell peppers are tender, and the paneer is heated through.
  • Stir occasionally to ensure even cooking.
VII. Season and Garnish:
  • Season the dish with salt to taste.
  • If desired, garnish with freshly chopped cilantro leaves for added freshness and color.
VIII. Serving:
  • Paneer Shimla Mirch is best served hot and pairs well with Indian bread such as naan, roti, or paratha.
  • It’s a delightful vegetarian dish that combines the creamy paneer with the sweetness of bell peppers and aromatic spices.

Paneer Shimla Mirch is a flavorful and satisfying dish that’s perfect for both special occasions and everyday meals. It showcases the rich and diverse flavors of Indian cuisine.


Shimla Mirch vegetable: What other vegetables pair well?

Shimla Mirch vegetable (bell peppers) pairs wonderfully with a variety of other vegetables to create delicious and colorful dishes. Here are some vegetables that pair well with Shimla Mirch:

I. Cucumber:

  • Cucumber adds a refreshing crunch and a mild, watery texture that complements the sweet and crisp nature of bell peppers. They work beautifully together in salads.

II. Tomatoes:

  • Tomatoes are a classic pairing with bell peppers. They add juiciness, acidity, and a burst of color to dishes like salads, salsas, and stir-fries.

III. Onions:

  • Onions, whether red or white, offer a contrasting sharpness and a bit of bite that balances the sweetness of bell peppers. They are often used together in salads, fajitas, and stir-fries.

IV. Zucchini:

  • Zucchini is a versatile vegetable that pairs well with bell peppers in stir-fries, ratatouille, and grilled vegetable medleys. It adds a tender texture and a mild, slightly nutty flavor.

V. Eggplant (Aubergine):

  • Eggplant and bell peppers complement each other in Mediterranean dishes like ratatouille and caponata. Both absorb flavors well and become tender when cooked.

VI. Carrots:

VII. Corn:

  • Corn kernels, either fresh or canned, add a sweet and slightly chewy texture to bell pepper salads, salsas, and vegetable medleys. They enhance both flavor and color.

VIII. Broccoli:

  • Broccoli florets can be paired with bell peppers in stir-fries and pasta dishes. They provide a slight crunch and a mild, earthy taste.

IX. Mushrooms:

  • Mushrooms add a savory, umami flavor that complements the sweetness of bell peppers. They are often used together in omelets, stir-fries, and fajitas.

X. Spinach or Kale:

  • Leafy greens like spinach or kale can be combined with bell peppers in salads, omelets, and sautés. They introduce a nutrient-rich and slightly bitter component to the mix.

XI. Garlic:

  • While not a vegetable per se, garlic is often used in conjunction with bell peppers. Its pungent flavor enhances the overall taste of dishes and is a common aromatic in various cuisines.

These are just a few examples of vegetables that pair harmoniously with Shimla Mirch vegetable. The versatility of Shimla Mirch vegetable allows them to be incorporated into a wide range of dishes, and their vibrant colors and flavors can be enhanced by combining them with other fresh and complementary vegetables.



In conclusion, Shimla Mirch vegetable is a culinary gem that adds color, flavor, and nutrition to dishes around the world. Its versatility, nutritional benefits, and vibrant hues make it a must-have in any kitchen. Whether you’re a professional chef or a home cook, Shimla Mirch vegetable can elevate your culinary creations to new heights.



Q. Is Shimla Mirch vegetable a fruit or a vegetable?
A. Shimla Mirch is botanically a fruit but is commonly treated as a vegetable in culinary contexts.

Q. What is the best way to store Shimla Mirch vegetable?
A. Store Shimla Mirch in the refrigerator in a plastic bag to keep it fresh for up to a week.

Q. Can I freeze Shimla Mirch vegetable?
A. Yes, you can freeze Shimla Mirch, but blanch it first for better preservation.

Q. Are all colors of Shimla Mirch vegetable equally nutritious?
A. Each color of Shimla Mirch offers slightly different nutrients, so it’s a good idea to include a variety in your diet.

Q. Can I use Shimla Mirch vegetable in desserts?
A. While it’s not common, some cuisines use bell peppers in sweet dishes, but it’s not a typical use.

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