Peanut Masala Recipe | Grandma’s Secret Weapon Crunchy & Tangy 02 Recipe

Peanuts, a beloved snack around the world, have found their way into diverse culinary traditions.. From humble snack to global star, peanuts have infiltrated cuisines worldwide, taking on countless forms like creamy butters and warming soups. Now, prepare to be dazzled by the “Peanut Masala Recipe,” a vibrant dance of spices that elevates this beloved ingredient to a whole new level of flavor and intrigue. This recipe promises an explosion of taste, redefining what peanuts can be.

In this article, we dive into the delicious realm of “Peanut Masala Recipe,” an enticing blend of flavors and spices that elevates the humble peanut to a whole new level.

Peanut Masala Recipe

Peanut Masala Recipe

Peanuts, with their crunchy texture and nutty flavor, have become a staple in households globally. Their affordability and versatility make them a favorite ingredient for various cuisines.

Whether it’s a Thai peanut sauce or a classic peanut brittle, peanuts have managed to weave themselves into the culinary fabric of diverse cultures. One such delightful creation is the Peanut Masala, a snack that promises an explosion of flavors in every bite.

Peanut Masala stands out for its irresistible combination of spices that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. This snack is not just about satisfying hunger; it’s an experience that tingles the taste buds.

Nutritional Benefits of Peanut masala recipe

Peanut masala, while delicious, also packs a nutritious punch thanks to its key ingredients:


  • These humble legumes are a powerhouse of protein, providing around 7 grams per cup.
  • They also boast a variety of healthy fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, which can benefit heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol.
  • Additionally, peanuts offer a good source of fiber, aiding digestion and promoting satiety.
  • They’re also rich in minerals like magnesium, potassium, and zinc, crucial for muscle function, blood pressure regulation, and immune system health.


Depending on the recipe, peanut masala benefits from various spices, each adding to its nutritional profile. Examples include:

  • A potent anti-inflammatory with potential to protect against chronic diseases like heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
Chili powder:
  • Contains capsaicin, which can boost metabolism and potentially aid in weight management.
  • Provides vitamins A and C, along with dietary fiber and essential minerals.
Chaat masala:
  • A blend of spices often containing black salt, which offers potassium and iron.

Other Ingredients:

Onions and tomatoes:
  • Add vitamins C and K, contributing to antioxidant activity and bone health.
  • Provides vitamin C and a fresh, citrusy flavor.
Lime juice:
  • Adds vitamin C and a tangy note while aiding in iron absorption.

Overall, peanut masala can be a nutritious snack or side dish when you consider its:

  • High protein and fiber content: Keeps you feeling full and satisfied.
  • Healthy fats: Contribute to heart health.
  • Rich mineral profile: Promotes overall health and well-being.
  • Antioxidant activity: Protects against cellular damage.

However, it’s important to note that the nutritional profile can vary depending on the recipe and preparation method. For example, using fried peanuts or adding excessive oil can increase the calorie and fat content. Therefore, consider opting for healthier cooking methods like baking or using less oil.

Remember, moderation is key. Enjoy peanut masala as part of a balanced diet for optimal health benefits!

Health Considerations

A. Highlighting the Health Benefits of Peanuts

Beyond its undeniable taste, Peanut Masala brings forth a plethora of health benefits. Peanuts, the star of this flavorful snack, contribute significantly to overall well-being.

1. Heart Health:
  • Peanuts contain heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats help lower bad cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
2. Weight Management:
  • Contrary to the common misconception that nuts lead to weight gain, peanuts, when consumed in moderation, can aid in weight management. Their combination of protein and healthy fats promotes a feeling of fullness, curbing unnecessary snacking.
3. Rich in Nutrients:
  • Peanuts are a powerhouse of essential nutrients, including vitamins like niacin and folate, and minerals like magnesium and potassium. These contribute to various bodily functions, supporting overall health.

B. Moderation and Dietary Considerations

1. Moderation is Key:
  • While Peanut Masala is a delightful treat, like any snack, moderation is crucial. Consuming peanuts in reasonable quantities ensures you enjoy their benefits without excessive calorie intake.
2. Mindful Portion Sizes:
  • Pay attention to portion sizes, especially if you have dietary restrictions or health concerns. A handful of Peanut Masala can be a satisfying and nutritious snack, but it’s essential not to overindulge.
3. Dietary Restrictions:
  • Individuals with specific dietary restrictions, such as those allergic to nuts, should exercise caution. If allergic, consider alternative ingredients or consult a healthcare professional for suitable substitutions.
4. Health Concerns:
  • For those with specific health concerns, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, monitoring peanut consumption is advisable. Peanuts, while nutritious, can be calorically dense, and portion control becomes pivotal.

In essence, enjoying Peanut Masala is not just about savoring its rich flavors; it’s also an opportunity to embrace the health benefits peanuts bring. By incorporating moderation and considering individual dietary needs, Peanut Masala can be a delicious and health-conscious addition to your snacking repertoire.


Peanut Masala Recipe

Peanut masala is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed as a snack, salad, or even a side dish. There are many different ways to make it, so I’ll provide you with a few options and you can choose the one that suits your taste and preferences.

Simple Peanut Masala:

Peanut Masala

This is a quick and easy recipe that requires minimal ingredients and cooking time.


  • 1 cup raw peanuts (shelled)
  • 1/2 red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tomato, finely chopped
  • 1 green chili, finely chopped (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon cilantro, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon chaat masala
  • Salt to taste
  • Heat a pan over medium heat. Add the peanuts and toast until they are golden brown and fragrant. Set aside to cool.
  • In a bowl, combine the chopped onion, tomato, green chili (if using), cilantro, lime juice, chaat masala, and salt.
  • Add the cooled peanuts to the bowl and mix well.
  • Serve immediately as a snack or salad.

Spicy Peanut Masala:

Spicy Peanut Masala

This recipe is a bit spicier than the simple version and has a more complex flavor.


  • 1 cup raw peanuts
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 green chili, finely chopped
  • 1 ginger garlic paste
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 cup chopped tomato
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon chaat masala
  • Salt to taste
  • Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Add the peanuts and toast until they are golden brown and fragrant. Set aside to cool.
  • In the same pan, add the onion and green chili and cook until softened.
  • Add the ginger garlic paste, coriander, turmeric, and chili powder and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
  • Add the chopped tomato and cook until it is softened and mushy.
  • Add the cooled peanuts, cilantro, lime juice, chaat masala, and salt to the pan and mix well.
  • Serve immediately as a snack, salad, or side dish.


  • You can adjust the amount of spice in this recipe to your liking.
  • If you don’t have chaat masala, you can substitute with a mixture of garam masala, cumin powder, and black salt.
  • You can also add other vegetables to this dish, such as chopped carrots, bell peppers, or cucumbers.
  • For a vegan version, you can use coconut oil instead of ghee.
  • The key to an exceptional Peanut Masala lies in the quality of the ingredients. Opt for fresh, high-quality peanuts and spices to ensure a delightful outcome.

Peanut Pakoda

Peanut Pakoda 


  • 1 cup peanuts (shelled and skinned)
  • 1/2 cup besan (gram flour)
  • 1/4 cup rice flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon red chili powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon coriander powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon garam masala
  • 1/4 teaspoon asafoetida
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for deep frying
  • Water as needed
  • Curry leaves (optional)
  • In a bowl, mix together the peanuts, besan, rice flour, turmeric powder, red chili powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, garam masala, asafoetida, and salt.
  • Add water little by little and mix until a thick batter is formed. The batter should not be too runny or too thick.
  • Heat oil in a deep frying pan over medium heat.
  • Add a few curry leaves to the oil (optional).
  • Dip the peanuts in the batter and carefully drop them into the hot oil.
  • Fry the pakodas until they are golden brown and crispy from all sides.
  • Drain the pakodas on a paper towel.
  • Serve hot with your favorite chutney or sauce.


  • You can add other vegetables to the pakodas, such as onions, potatoes, or carrots.
  • If you don’t have curry leaves, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the batter.
  • Be careful not to overcrowd the pan when frying the pakodas.
  • You can adjust the amount of spices to your taste.

Peanut Masala Recipe Variations

The beauty of peanut masala lies in its adaptability! Here are some delicious variations to spice up your culinary journey:

Spice Play:

  • Thai Twist: Infuse your masala with Thai flavors by adding lemongrass, galangal, lime leaves, and a splash of fish sauce.
  • Smoky Sensation: Add a touch of smoked paprika or chipotle powder for a deeper, complex flavor profile.
  • Coconut Craze: Substitute half the water with coconut milk for a creamy, tropical twist.
  • Herb Haven: Explore vibrant herbs like mint, basil, or dill for a fresh and aromatic touch.

Texture Twists:

  • Crunchy Craving: Add chopped cashews, walnuts, or almonds for a delightful textural contrast.
  • Coconut Crunch: Sprinkle in desiccated coconut for a sweet and nutty twist.
  • Lentil Love: Add cooked lentils or chickpeas for a heartier and protein-packed version.
  • Stuffed Sensation: Stuff naan bread with peanut masala and vegetables for a satisfying meal-in-one.

Flavor Fusion:

  • Mango Mania: Add chopped mango or mango chutney for a sweet and tangy surprise.
  • Pineapple Party: Include chunks of pineapple for a tropical twist and natural sweetness.
  • Pumpkin Power: Use roasted pumpkin puree for a seasonal and flavorful variation.
  • Berry Bliss: Stir in fresh berries like blueberries or raspberries for a sweet and tangy explosion.

Dietary Diversions:

  • Vegan Victory: Make it vegan by using coconut oil and substituting yogurt with a vegan alternative like cashew cream.
  • Gluten-Free Fun: Serve it with gluten-free crackers, rice cakes, or vegetable sticks.
  • Keto Crush: Keep it keto-friendly by using low-carb vegetables like cauliflower or zucchini.
  • Nut-Free Nirvana: Substitute sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds for peanuts to cater to nut allergies.

Remember, these are just starting points! Feel free to mix and match flavors, textures, and ingredients to create your own unique peanut masala masterpiece.

Let your creativity bloom and savor the delicious journey!


Conquering Peanut Masala: Tips for Perfection

Whether you’re a peanut masala pro or just starting your spicy journey, here are some tips to take your dish from good to godly:

Peanut Power:

  • Toasting Triumph: Don’t skip toasting those peanuts! It deepens their flavor and adds a lovely crunch. Try dry toasting in a pan or oven for an even result.
  • Grind Control: For a smoother texture, grind some of the peanuts into a coarse powder before mixing them in. This adds creaminess without overwhelming the chunks.
  • Salted Symphony: A pinch of salt on the toasted peanuts before grinding enhances their savory goodness.

Spice Symphony:

  • Fresh is Best: Whenever possible, use fresh spices like ginger, garlic, and chilies for a vibrant flavor boost.
  • Blooming Blooms: Heat your spices briefly in oil before adding other ingredients. This releases their aromatic essence and intensifies the flavor profile.
  • Spice to Your Soul: Adjust the spice level to your preference. Start mild and gradually add chili powder or chopped chilies until it reaches your heat zone.

Textural Twists:

  • Onion Savvy: Dice or finely chop your onions based on your desired texture. Chunkier pieces add bite, while finely chopped ones melt into the masala.
  • Tomato Tango: For a smoother masala, blend or mash the tomatoes before adding them. If you prefer chunks, keep them diced!
  • Cilantro Craze: Don’t underestimate the power of fresh cilantro! Adding it just before serving infuses the dish with a bright, herbaceous touch.

Bonus Brilliance:

  • Sweet Surrender: A touch of jaggery or brown sugar balances the spice and adds depth of flavor.
  • Creamy Craving: For a richer masala, stir in a dollop of plain yogurt or coconut cream before serving.
  • Presentation Panache: Garnish your masterpiece with chopped nuts, fresh herbs, or a squeeze of lime juice for an extra pop of visual and flavor appeal.

Remember, experimentation is key! Don’t be afraid to tweak the recipe to suit your taste and dietary needs. With these tips and a little practice, you’ll be whipping up peanut masala masterpieces in no time!


Serving Suggestions for Peanut Masala Recipe

The versatility of peanut masala shines through in its serving options! Here are some ideas to get you started:

As a snack:

  • Solo star: Snack on it straight from the bowl for a satisfying crunch and flavor explosion.
  • Scoop dreams: Pair it with crispy papadums, naan bread, or crackers for a delightful dip-and-scoop experience.
  • Salad sensational: Sprinkle it over leafy greens, chopped vegetables, and a light dressing for a protein-packed salad.

As an appetizer:

  • Chaat charm: Serve it as a street food-style chaat with chopped onions, tomatoes, cilantro, and a drizzle of tamarind chutney and yogurt.
  • Skewer satisfaction: Thread skewered paneer, tofu, or vegetables with peanut masala for a unique and flavorful appetizer.
  • Spring roll surprise: Fill spring rolls with peanut masala and your favorite vegetables for a fun and festive twist.

As a side dish:

Extra ideas:

  • Pack it for lunch: Pack it in a container or jar with some veggies or crackers for a portable and satisfying lunch option.
  • Upgrade leftovers: Leftover peanut masala can be transformed into a flavorful pasta sauce or pizza topping.
  • Get creative: Use it as a base for dips, spreads, or even marinades for grilled meats or vegetables.

No matter how you choose to serve it, remember to adjust the spiciness and textures to your preferences. With a little creativity, you can enjoy peanut masala in endless ways!



In conclusion, peanut masala is not just a dish, it’s an experience. It’s a versatile, flavorful explosion that packs a punch of protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Whether you crave it as a snack, appetizer, or side dish, the possibilities are endless.

From simple and spicy to complex and creamy, you can tailor this recipe to your taste and dietary needs. With a little experimentation, you’ll discover your own peanut masala magic. So, grab some peanuts, let your creativity flow, and get ready to embark on a culinary adventure!

Remember, the perfect peanut masala is the one that speaks to your soul. So, spice it up, tweak it, and make it your own. Bon appétit!



Q. How Long Does It Take to Roast Peanuts for the Masala?
A. Roasting peanuts takes around 10-15 minutes, depending on the heat. Keep an eye on them to avoid over-roasting.

Q. Can I Use Store-Bought Roasted Peanuts?
A. Certainly! While roasting your own adds a personal touch, store-bought roasted peanuts work well too.

Q. Are There Any Alternatives for Specific Spices?
A. Feel free to experiment with spice alternatives. For example, paprika can substitute for red chili powder.

Q. Is Peanut Masala Suitable for a Vegan Diet?
A. Yes, Peanut Masala is vegan-friendly. Double-check individual spice brands to ensure no animal products are used.

Q. Can I Make a Larger Batch for Future Use?
A. Absolutely! Scale up the ingredients and store in an airtight container. Enjoy Peanut Masala whenever the craving strikes.

Q. Can I Use Raw Peanuts for This Recipe?
A. Absolutely! Using raw peanuts adds a unique texture to the masala. Roast them to your liking before adding the spices.

Q. What Makes Peanut Masala a Healthy Snack?
A. Peanuts are rich in protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients. When consumed in moderation, Peanut Masala can be a wholesome and satisfying snack.

Q. Are There Variations for Those with Allergies?
A. Certainly. Adjust the recipe to accommodate allergies by substituting or omitting specific ingredients. Always prioritize safety.

Q. Can I Store Peanut Masala for an Extended Period?
A. Store Peanut Masala in an airtight container to maintain its freshness. It can last for a few weeks if stored properly.

Q. How to Adjust Spice Levels for Different Preferences?
A. Taste as you go and adjust the spice levels according to your preference. It’s all about creating a Peanut Masala that suits your taste buds.

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